# YoloFastNMS

A fast Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) implementation in Rust for YOLO object detection outputs. This library is designed as a companion to the [`yolo`]( library, specifically optimizing one of the most computationally intensive parts of the YOLO detection pipeline in Elixir/Nx, running much faster (~100x, ~4ms vs ~400ms on my MacBook Air M3)!

The NMS operation is crucial for filtering overlapping bounding boxes in object detection, but is computationally expensive when implemented in Elixir/Nx. This Rust NIF implementation provides significant speed improvements over the pure Elixir version, helping achieve near real-time performance for object detection tasks.

The current version is specifically built around YOLOv8 models trained on the COCO dataset, which outputs tensors in the shape of `{84, 8400}` (4 bounding box coordinates + 80 class probabilities × 8400 detections). The library efficiently filters these detections based on confidence scores `prob_threshold` and Intersection over Union (IoU) `iou_threshold` thresholds. Future development will focus on making the number of classes and detections dynamic, enabling compatibility with different YOLO and custom models.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:yolo_fast_nms, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Stand-alone usage

{84, 8400} = tensor_nx.shape
iex>, 0.4, 0.5)
  [cx, cy, w, h, prob, class_idx]

## With YOLO library

model = YOLO.load(...)

YOLO.detect(mat, nms_fun: &