# yotsuba

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> Elixir 4chan API client


## Install

In your `mix.exs`:

defp deps do
    {:yotsuba, "~> 1.0.0"}

Then run `mix deps.get`.

## Usage

More documentation available in [HexDocs](

[Read the 4chan API documentation]( for information on endpoints and response content.

The 4chan API provides endpoints for two resources: boards and threads. As such, there is a module for each of these.

### `Yotsuba.Board`

Interfaces with the board enpoint. The following methods are provided:

* **`Board.all/1`**
* **`Board.catalog/1`**
* **`Board.threads/1`**
* **`Board.archive/1`**
* **`Board.page_threads/2`**

### `Yotsuba.Thread`

Interfaces with the thread enpoint. The following method is provided:

* **`Thread.get/2`**

## License

MIT © [Juan Soto](