# ZBase32

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Efficient implementation of [z-base-32](, Phil
Zimmermann's [human-oriented base-32 encoding](

> z-base-32 is a Base32 encoding designed to be easier for human use and more compact. It includes
> 1, 8 and 9 but excludes l, v and 2. It also permutes the alphabet so that the easier characters
> are the ones that occur more frequently. It compactly encodes bitstrings whose length in bits is
> not a multiple of 8, and omits trailing padding characters. z-base-32 was used in Mnet open source
> project, and is currently used in Phil Zimmermann's ZRTP protocol, and in the Tahoe-LAFS open
> source project.

## Installation and usage

1. Add zbase32 to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:zbase32, "~> 1.0.0"}]
2. Start encoding and decoding:

    ZBase32.encode("hello") # => "pb1sa5dx"
    ZBase32.decode("pb1sa5dx") # => "hello"

## Test coverage

We're using [QuiviQ's QuickCheck]( to ensure
correct roundtrips.:

forall input <- largebinary({:limit, 0, 512}) do
  ensure (input |> ZBase32.encode() |> ZBase32.decode()) == input

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This implementation has also manually been verified against the Python
[zbase32 1.1.5]( package.