# Zencoder
An Elixir library for interacting with the [Zencoder](http://zencoder.com) API.
Requires Elixir ~> 0.14.3
## Installation
Install the [Hex.pm](http://hex.pm) package
1. Add zencoder `mix.exs` dependencies:
def deps do
[{:zencoder, "~> 0.0.1"}]
2. Add `:zencoder` to your application dependencies:
def application do
[applications: [:zencoder]]
#### API Key
To communicate with the Zencoder API you'll need to provide your API key, you can find your API key by logging into your Zencoder account and visiting https://app.zencoder.com/api
There are three ways to provide your API key to the Elixir library.
1. Set it from within your application
Zencoder.api_key "your-api-key"
2. Set it as the environment variable `ZENCODER_API_KEY`
ZENCODER_API_KEY=your-api-key iex -S mix
3. Every request takes a map as its final argument, you may provide your API key there
Zencoder.Job.progress(12345, %{api_key: "your-api-key"})
#### Base URL
By default the integration library will send all requests to version 2 of our API: "https://app.zencoder.com/api/v2". If, for whatever reason, you want to send requests to a different url you may configure your base URL in two ways.
1. Set it from within your application
Zencoder.base_url "https://app.zencoder.com/api/v1"
2. Set it as the environment variable `ZENCODER_BASE_URL`
ZENCODER_BASE_URL=https://app.zencoder.com/api/v1 iex -S mix
## Responses
All API request functions will return either a `%Zencoder.Response{}` struct (which may or may not be successful) or a `%Zencoder.Error{}` struct if an exception occurred.
#### %Zencoder.Response{}
A Zencoder response has the following fields:
1. body: A Map containing the parsed body of the response, or an empty map if the response body could not be parsed
2. success?: true or false depending on if the request was successful
3. code: The HTTP status code of the response
4. headers: The response headers
5. raw_body: The raw string of the response body. (Likely JSON or an empty string)
6. errors: An List of errors, or an empty List. This is a shortcut for `response.body[:errors]`
#### %Zencoder.Error{}
A Zencoder error has the following fields:
1. stacktrace: The formatted exception
2. kind: The type of error
3. error: The exception
Stacktrace is the formatted exception (via Exception.format/2). The kind and error are provided if you wish to do your own formatting.
#### Pattern Matching
You can pattern match to determine how to handle the response:
case Zencoder.Job.create %{test: true, input: "http://s3.amazonaws.com/zencodertesting/test.mov"} do
%Zencoder.Response{success?: true} = response ->
# some happy path stuff here
%Zencoder.Response{success?: false} = response ->
# uh oh, maybe something is wrong with your request?
# better check the docs at https://app.zencoder.com/docs
%Zencoder.Error{} = response ->
# timed out? Zencoder broken? Computers are hard! Perhaps some nice retry logic.
# Check out our integration reliability guide:
# https://app.zencoder.com/docs/guides/advanced-integration/stable-integration
## [Jobs](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/jobs)
Create a [new job](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/jobs/create).
Zencoder.Job.create(%{input: "http://s3.amazonaws.com/zencodertesting/test.mov"})
Get [details](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/jobs/show) about a job.
Get [progress](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/jobs/progress) on a job.
[List jobs](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/jobs/list). By default this returns the last 50 jobs, but this can be altered in an optional Map.
Zencoder.Job.list(%{page: 1, per_page: 5, state: "finished"})
[Cancel](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/jobs/cancel) a job
[Resubmit](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/jobs/resubmit) a job
## [Inputs](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/inputs)
Get [details](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/inputs/show) about an input.
Get [progress](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/inputs/progress) for an input.
## [Outputs](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/outputs)
Get [details](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/outputs/show) about an output.
Get [progress](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/outputs/progress) for an output.
## [Reports](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/reports)
Reports are great for getting usage data for your account. All default to 30 days from yesterday with no [grouping](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/encoding/job/grouping), but this can be altered in the optional Map. These will return `422 Unprocessable Entity` if the date format is incorrect or the range is greater than 2 months. Correct date format is `YYYY-MM-DD`.
Get [all usage](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/reports/all) (Live + VOD).
# For a specific date range
Zencoder.Report.all %{from: "2013-05-01", to: "2013-06-01"}
# For a specific grouping
Zencoder.Report.all %{grouping: "aperture-testing"}
Get [VOD usage](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/reports/vod).
# For a specific date range
Zencoder.Report.vod %{from: "2013-05-01", to: "2013-06-01"}
# For a specific grouping
Zencoder.Report.vod %{grouping: "aperture-testing"}
Get [Live usage](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/reports/live).
# For a specific date range
Zencoder.Report.live %{from: "2013-05-01", to: "2013-06-01"}
# For a specific grouping
Zencoder.Report.live %{grouping: "aperture-testing"}
## [Accounts](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/accounts)
Create a [new account](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/accounts/create). A unique email address and terms of service are required, but you can also specify a password (and confirmation) along with whether or not you want to subscribe to the Zencoder newsletter. New accounts will be created under the Test (Free) plan.
Zencoder.Account.create %{email: "tedjones@example.com", terms_of_service: 1}
# Create an account with all possible options
Zencoder.Account.create %{
email: "tedjones2@example.com",
terms_of_service: 1,
password: "sureamgladforssl",
password_confirmation: "sureamgladforssl",
newsletter: 0
Get [details](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/accounts/show) about the current account.
Turn [integration mode](https://app.zencoder.com/docs/api/accounts/integration) on (all jobs are test jobs).
Turn off integration mode, which means your account is live (and you'll be billed for jobs).