# Zotonic SSL

Useful SSL routines for Erlang/Elixir projects.

## Certificates

### Generate self-signed certificates


PemFile = "/my/secure/path/cert.pem",
CertFile = "/my/secure/path/cert.crt",
Options = #{
        hostname => "",
        servername => "MyServerName"
ok = zotonic_ssl_certs:ensure_self_signed(CertFile, PemFile, Options).

The hostname and the servername default to the hostname returned by `inet:gethostname/0`.

### Ensure self-signed certificates

Similar to generating, except that this routine does nothing if the files already exist.

ok = zotonic_ssl_certs:ensure_self_signed(CertFile, PemFile, Options).

### Decode a certificate

Extract some information from a certificate.

{ok, Map} = decode_cert("path/to/cert.crt").

Keys returned:

 * `not_after` Erlang DateTime with the expiration date (Validity)
 * `common_name` The CN (aka the hostname) for the certificate
 * `subject_alt_names` A list of alternative names the certificate is valid for (SANs)

## Write a DH file

The `zotonic_ssl_dhfile` routines handle the creation of DH (aka DHE) files.
You can select from a couple of predefined DH files.

### Generate a DH file

ok = zotonic_ssl_dhfile:ensure_dhfile("path/to/myfile.dh").

This ensures that the path is created and that the DH file is written.
It defaults to the `ffdhe3072` DH group.

The following DH groups are possible: `ffdhe2048`, `ffdhe3072`, `ffdhe4096`

To generate with a specific DH group:

ok = zotonic_ssl_dhfile:ensure_dhfile("path/to/myfile.dh", ffdhe2048).

Or, if no check on the existance of a valid DH file is needed:

ok = zotonic_ssl_dhfile:write_dhfile("path/to/myfile.dh").


ok = zotonic_ssl_dhfile:write_dhfile("path/to/myfile.dh", ffdhe2048).

## License

The Apache License v2.