# zxcvbn-elixir [![Build Status](]( [![Hex Version](](

> Elixir implementation of [zxcvbn]( by dropbox

## Installation

def deps do
    {:zxcvbn, "~> 0.1.2"}

## Usage

import ZXCVBN

# default without user inputs

zxcvbn("Some Password")

# with user inputs; useful for adding to dictionary (for eg. submitted form inputs;
# think someone using their e-mail address as password for example)
zxcvbn("Password1", ["", "Nepal", "Kathmandu"])

## Benchmark

The basic benchmark result can be seen by running:

mix run bench/run.exs

That will create html output on `benchmarks` directory.

## Test

The [zxcvbn.js](zxcvbn.js) is used to test the [correctness](test/zxcvbn_test.exs)
with the original implementation. ZXCVBN is a pure Elixir implementation
and not a wrapper on top of javascript version.

## Author

- [Samar Acharya](